“Thanks, Road Recovery. Your VirtualTrax Program made it possible for the United Federation of Teachers to end this challenging school year with our ‘Let’s Talk About It’ Virtual Field Trip. The on-line event taught children coping techniques for this crisis. Together we reached more than 1,100 middle and high school students from 150 schools across New York City. We hope to work with Road Recovery and our partners at the NYC Department of Education on more of these ground-breaking events.”
– Michael Mulgrew, President, UFT - United Federation of Teachers NYC
“Throughout my twenty-five years in education, I have viewed numerous school assemblies and presentations intended to motivate adolescents to make good decisions. A few of the better ones even have urged teens to reach out for help when faced with struggles. None have come close to delivering the message the way the young participants of Road Recovery have delivered it here in Warwick Valley High School. It is a message framed with honesty, integrity, and love. Most importantly, as a school instructional leader I clearly recognize the powerful connection Road Recovery outreach programs have consistently made between performance venue and curricular activities in the classroom. To any school leaders wishing to develop strong character education programs, consider placing Road Recovery at the core of your efforts. Your students will thank you.”
– Richard Linkens, Director of English, Social Studies, Academic Intervention Services, Warwick Valley Central School District, Warwick, NY
"Road Recovery’s mission, message and intent are important and necessary, perhaps now more than ever, and I am grateful that our paths crossed when they did and look forward to continuing to collaborate into the future.”
– Arjun Roy, Berklee School of Music, Director of Education Power Station At Berklee NYC
“Our students attend weekly Road Trax meetings with our staff, Road Recovery staff and their contacts. Their program is powerful! As a result, substance abuse and behavioral incident rates are down at our campus. The program finale consisting of drama, dance, jazz, stage art, video production, and musical compositions were all original pieces. Wow! Road Recovery’s programs have dramatically impacted the lives of our students. Road Recovery is a part of the Graham School culture.”
– Gerry Leventhal, Vice President of Westchester-based Services / The Graham School, Graham-Windham Services
“Road Recovery has done great work with our clients. By incorporating music, the teens have a fun outlet which they can use to work through their current issues and emotions. I am looking forward to Road Recovery returning in the fall with their RoadTrax program and to continue this collaboration”.
– Ashley O’Connor, M.A., LPC, Primary Therapist Newport Academy
“Road Recovery’s music and life stories made a big impact on the views I have on my own life. Although I do not face the same struggles they have, their life experiences gave me a different perspective on my own life and reassured me by knowing that other people are going through the same things I am."
– Student, Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School, Tampa, FL
“Thank you Road Recovery and your gang for showing up, sharing your message of hope and jamming with us. For us (staff and kids) it was a big deal, a lot of fun and created a save space for all of us to come togehter and have open honest communication."
– Daniel White, Music Instructor, Fusion Academy Park Avenue Campus
“What a great experience for Fashion Institute of Technology marketing students to create and execute, meaningful, real world, social media campaign driven outreach events with Road Recovery music industry's staff, and to learn that no matter what, there's always help out there!"
– Bret Tesman, FIT Professor
“Wow, Road Recovery PROFOUNDLY impacted my son. He has really been struggling and feeling alone. He told me that he shared that today is his one month clean from cutting date! (the other Road Recovery kids applauded and yelled in support when my son announced he was celebrating one month clean). He said he never realized that an anniversary date had such a special meaning — he just thought it was some random date. What a gift! Thank you so much for bringing Road Recovery into School of Rock!”
– Parent, School of Rock